Real Homes - Wordpress Real Estate Theme

Real Homes - WordPress Real Estate Theme is a handcrafted WordPress theme for real estate websites. It offers purpose oriented design with all the useful features a real estate website needs. Real Homes theme facilitates its user on front end as well as on admin-side and makes properties management a breeze.

More About Features…

Advanced properties search provided in Real Homes theme is powerful and fully customizable to fulfill various needs. You can select which fields you want to display and what data will be displayed in those fields.
You can display multiple location fields to provide search behavior like State > City > Area. You can change the values of price fields. You can modify the search behaviors and values for beds and baths fields. In short you can fully customize the search form to match your own needs.

Up to 4 Locations Dropdowns are Supported

Real Homes theme supports up to 4 location dropdowns to produce search fields like Country > State > City > Area. These dropdowns works for locations hierarchy automatically. The numbers and labels of these dropdowns are fully customizable from customizer settings.

Flexibility to Use Search Form Over Image

Search form over image module can be enabled for homepage to replace slider area with a graceful looking search form over a background image. Real Homes also provides related customizer settings to fully customize image, search form fields, text, colors and margins.

Google Maps with Properties Markers

Real Homes includes Google Maps API integration that enables you to display Google Maps with properties markers on search results page, properties display pages, property detail page, home page, Contact page and taxonomy archive pages.

Compare Properties

Real Homes theme includes compare properties feature that allow your website visitor to add properties to a compare pool and later on compare those properties side by side. Visitor do not need to login to use this feature. Check out theme demos for real experience.

List and Grid Layouts

Real Homes theme provides page templates to display properties in list layout and grid layout. These templates are also supported with meta boxes to filter and sort properties based on your requirements. So basically you can create any type of custom list of properties based on your own custom criteria.
Real Homes provides multiple templates to display your properties in the form of a gallery. Each template contains a quick filter based on property statuses.

Comprehensive, Yet Easy to Use Customizer Settings

Real Homes theme provides a wide set of customizer settings that will help you configure and customize stuff around your website more easily.
You can customize the price format to any currency in the world. You can customize the URL slugs to your required ones. You can customize all the important stuff related to your website using customizer settings and without going into code.

Easy to Use Meta Boxes

Real Homes provides a rich set of meta boxes that are super easy to use. The goal of these meta boxes is to make it easier for you to add and modify a property.

Additional Details

Real Homes provides an easy to use interface to add/modify/remove additional details related to a property. This feature can be used in many ways especially to add a certain type of information for which there is no other meta box available.

Floor Plans

You can add floor plans related to a property using an easy to use interface provided on property add/edit page on admin-side.

Property Attachments

You can provide various types of files ( pdf, office documents, images etc ) as attachments to a property.

Similar Properties

Real Homes theme provides similar properties module on property detail page which displays properties similar to current property.

Sub Properties

Real Homes theme provides a sub properties module on property detail page to display any sub/child properties ( like apartments in a building ). Each child property works as a full property independently.

Google reCAPTCHA

Real Homes provides Google reCAPTCHA API integration support on all the contact forms in theme to prevent spam.

Simple Login & Register OR Social Login Using Any Social Network

You can provide user registration, login and forgot password features on your site to let users access member only features.
Real Homes comes with simple login and registration features from start but Social Login feature was introduced in version 2.6.1 and allow you to integrate any social network with your website for this purpose. Consult the related section in documentation for more details.

Easily Customizable Front End Property Submit

This theme provides front end property submit template and related configurations. So you can restrict certain level of users from accessing eksekutif dashboard and provide them an interface on front end to submit properties. Later on website eksekutif can review and publish the submitted properties. You can also configure the settings to auto publish a property as soon the user pays a certain fee.
Since Real Homes version 2.6.0 you can show/hide any field on property submit form. This will help you hide the fields you think you do not need on your website.

My Properties List on Front End

Real Homes theme provides a template to display properties related to current user on front end. This template can be used to preview property, edit property, make a payment for property or even removing a property. A user can pay through paypal to get his submitted property published. Payment feature can be enabled or disabled from customizer settings.

Favorite Properties

A visitor can add properties to his favorites collection, So that he can visit his/her favorites properties later on.
Visitor do not need to login to use this feature as if he/she is not logged in then the favorite properties information is stored in cookies. But if the user is logged in then this information is stored in database as user meta.


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