Kouki Wordpress Themes

Kouki WordPress Themes is a min­i­mal free Word­Press theme for per­sonal blogs. Kouki is meant for pub­lish­ers who like to dis­play their con­tent in a de­light­ful and min­i­mal way. Ideal for food blogs, pho­tog­ra­phers, min­i­mal­ists, tum­ble logs and every­one else who likes an un­ob­stru­sive Word­Press theme. Non-manda­tory theme op­tions help you to in­di­vid­u­al­ize the theme. Change col­ors, choose fonts from the Google libary and add so­cial icons. The theme is re­spon­sive and looks good on small de­vices.

Sumber http://www.kaizenthemes.com

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