Newkarma Wordpress Themes

NewKarma Wordpress Themes is a special wordpress Theme websites, news or news magazine. The primary Features of Ajax infinite navigation, Fast loading magazine theme, Widget with different styles, Unlimited color in all of the element, and many more ...

Why buddy should buy this theme?
Lots of cool features that support PAL to build a news website.

High CTR Ads Place

More than 9 place ads, floating ads starting from the left, right, bottom, until the ads in the middle of a paragraph can maximize the clicks on the ads PAL.

Simple Anti Adblock

There are also anti-adblock, if any visitor who use adblock it will pop up a notification to disable adblock overlay, and the visitor cannot see the site before disabling it.

Supports 4 Menu

Available 4 navigation menu, starting from the top navigation to copyright.

Ajax slider and Tabs

Sliders and tabs widgets using ajax, so trim the time loading website PAL without having to throw a cool look.

Support 3 related posts

Buddy can use 3 related posts at once, ranging from tags, categories and topics. All PAL set. One of the related already infinite scroll support.

Infinite Scroll Support

Great news wordpress theme like other, this theme has been infinite scroll support.

Fixed scroll top banner and navigation, sidebar

The look of the web news is getting interactive with a fixed top navigation, banners, and on the sidebar.

Beautiful post split Navigation
Beautiful navigation and display of banners among the post navigation. Beautiful and certainly mengunguntungkan.

Social Share float in Single

There is a button on the floating share single that allowed news increasingly viral.

Facebook Comments

When buddy makes viral news focus on facebook, it would be nice if the buddy is using a facebook comment. This theme has been a support comment facebook.

Unlimited Color

You can change all the colors that are on the majalahpro theme, starting from the top navigation to copyright, just by using a customizer.

600 + Google Fonts

There are 600 google fonts more PAL use to change the letters on the website, as well as font size can also change PAL.

FB Pixel and Google Analytics

Options are available to incorporate facebook pixel id and google analytics code. This you can use to menganalisi your visitors and for the FB ads you.

One Click updates and Import

This feature makes it easy to create highly usable PAL update and import demo data, only one click theme buddy updates without having to bother to download and upload.


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